Song has been a vehicle for connection with Spirit since the dawn of human life. Song reaches deep within our hearts in a way that words alone cannot.

Three Rivers Friends Meeting has a weekly vespers every Sunday evening where you can listen with other Friends to moving songs that speak deeply to the heart of our journey as Friends. (You can find at the above link access to a playlist on Spotify of nearly a thousand songs from prrevious vespers.)

Paulette Meier

Paulette has taken the writings of many early Friends and put them to music in a way that is reminiscent of the Gregorian chants used in worship by monks and nuns since the Middle Ages. These Quaker chants or “plainsong” both help modern minds to hear the spiritual power within some of these early Quaker writings—and also have the power to be deep meditative tools.

She has released two recordings with these chants: Timeless Wisdom in Quaker Plainsong and Wellsprings of Life: Quaker Wisdom in Chant.
Each album includes extensive inserts with the words and background of each chant.

Seeds of War is a setting of words of John Woolman.

Give Over Thine Own Willing is her setting of a 1661 quote by Isaac Penington.

Our Life Is Love is Paulette’s setting to Penington’s 1667 Letter to Friends at Amersham.

Tony Biggin & Alec Davison

Tony and Alec are English Friends that have collaborated in creating several powerful oratorios based on their faith as Friends.

One of these, The Fire & the Hammer, about the life of George Fox, was performed by a special chorus under the direction of John Sheldon at the annual sessions of New England Yearly Meeting and the following summer at FGC summer gathering in Rhode Island.

Wait in the Light is a song from the Fire & the Hammer about the transformative power of expectant waiting worship as practiced by Friends.

Tony and Alec created an earlier oratorio called The Gates of Greenham on the women’s peace encampment at Greenham Common in opposition to a cruise missile base in England in 1981.

Bob Franke

Bob Franke is a singer songwriter based in Boston. He was originally training to become an Episcopal priest but ended up turning to a musical vocation. Many of his songs contain deep spiritual messages often with extraordinary reinterpretations of biblical themes.

Still Small Voice draws on the line from the Prophet Elijah in 1 Kings 19:11-12.

Beggars to God takes the gospel parable of the wise & foolish virgins (Matt. 25:1-13) and turns it on its head—suggesting that faith in God may lead us to a passion that breaks through usual boundaries and rules.

Trouble in This World

A Healing in This Night

Shaker songs

Simple Gifts

I Will Bow & Be Simple