We will be posting here a number of writings that are helpful for deepening one’s own personal spiritual formation or for use in spiritual formation and adult religious education classes and workshops. Some of these may already be posted in other sections of this site but will also be linked to from here. We welcome recommendations, particularly if you have these in .pdf or Word document format and are reasonably certain the material is either out of copyright or is all right to post on an educational website like this one. Email Peter Blood for suggestions or feedback.

First Friends (17th-century writings)

Robert Barclay

  • Barclay in Brief is a Pendle Hill Pamphlet by Eleanor Price Mather that is a heavily edited version of Barclay’s Apology for the True Christian Divinity. The Table of Contents includes links to each of the full original 15 propositions on Quaker Heritage Press website.
  • Biblical Roots of Quaker Worship describes in detail how Friends’ early beliefs & practices were rooted in their understanding of scripture in the 10th Proposition of Barclay’s Apology “Concerning Worship”.

Margaret Fell

George Fox

Francis Howgill

James Nayler

William Penn

Isaac Pennington

Middle Period Friends (18th & 19th centuries)

Samuel Bownas (1676-1753) was an English traveling minister

John Woolman (1772-75) was an American Quaker who labored long against Friends being enslavers of African Americans. He also wrote and spoke about how greed and overconsumption harm the poor, encourage warmaking, and damage God’s creation.

20th-century writings

Lewis Benson (1906-86) was a Quaker scholar of George Fox who helped to re-establish a uniquely Quaker understanding of Christianity.

Elise Boulding

Kenneth Boulding—a world-renowned economist, pioneer of peace research, and deeply Christ-centered Friend (1910-93)

Howard Brinton was director of Pendle Hill from 1936-52.

Edward Grubb was an English Quaker who earlier opposed adoption of the Richmond Declaration of Faith by London YM. He delivered this 1914 Swarthmore Lecture to London YM on the subject of The Historic & Inward Christ.

Cecil Hinshaw was a pastor in Iowa YM (FUM). He was president of William Penn College from 1944-48 gathering together many young Quakers coming from Civilian Public Service camps and prisons for refusing the draft.

Thomas Kelly is a major figure in 20th-century Christian devotional literature. His most well-known work is Testament of Devotion.

Leonard S. Kenworthy has written many books on Quaker history and practice. Here are first 4 chapters from his book Quakerism: A Study Guide on the Religious Society of Friends (1st published 1981, now out of print). As of 1982 he was a member of Brooklyn Monthly Meeting in New York.

Lucy Fryer Morland

  • The New Social Outlook is the 1918 Swarthmore Lecture to London YM. The lecture is devoted to a history of Friends’ work of charity for the poor and calls on Friends to shift to empowering the poor and working people to fundamental social transformation to end the root causes of poverty and economic injustice.

Mildred Binns Young was raised in Ohio YM and an active member of Philadelphia YM. She wrote five Pendle Hill pamphlets with a special concern for radical simplicity/voluntary poverty. She and her husband Wilmer Young worked for fifteen years for AFSC with sharecroppers in the South.

Wilmer Young

21st-century writings

Paul Buckley is a Quaker historian & theologian well-known to Friends of all stripes through his workshops, courses, and writings. He lives in Richmond, Indiana.

Brian Drayton is a member of Souhegan Meeting in New England YM. He blogs at Amor Vincat (“May Love Have the Victory”).

Doug Gwyn is a Quaker historian, theologian, and retired pastor. Here is a list of many of his books and pamphlets.

Quaker Bookstores

  • QuakerBooks is the book service of Friends General Conference in Philadelphia.
  • Pendle Hill Publications publishes many books and pamphlets in addition to their quarterly Pendle Hill Pamphlets series. They have both an online and in person bookstore.
    Note: See the List of Pendle Hill Pamphlets available in this online library.
  • Friends United Press is the publication arm of Friends United Meeting.
  • Barclay Press comes out of Newberg, Oregon. Publishing since 1959.
  • Quaker Book Shop of Britain Yearly Meeting has both a physical bookshop and online store based in London.
  • Inner Light Books has a growing important collection of publications by leading Quaker authors of today including Marcelle Martin, Elaine Emily, Brian Drayton, Paul Buckley, and Lloyd Lee Lewis among many others – as well as new editions of some early Quaker works.
  • Quaker Heritage Press has extensive publications of early Quaker writings including the original Barclay Apology and the collected works of James Nayler, Isaac Penington, and Job Scott among others. Most of these works are available to read online.
