by Paulette Meier

Give over thine own willing
Give over thine own running
Give over thine own desiring to know or be anything
And sink down to the seed which God sows in thy heart
And let that be in thee & grow in thee
And breathe in thee & act in thee

And thou shalt find by sweet experience
That the Lord knows that & loves & owns that
And will lead it to the inheritance of life
Which is God’s portion

Paulette Meier has put to plainsong chant a quotation from a 1661 essay Directions to a Panting Soul by Isaac Penington. You can read a longer quotation on this site as Isaac Penington on Willingness or the full essay at Quaker Heritage Press.

Paulette recorded the chant on her Timeless Quaker Wisdom in Plainsong CD. 

You can listen to the melody on the song page on the Music Box.