“As we open ourselves to become the channel of God’s healing grace, we shall find that healing is given to those who pray as well as to those for whom we are praying.” —Jack Robb, quoted in: Quaker Faith and Practice: The Book of Discipline of the Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Britain.
OOur desire is to bring peace and wholeness to those who are suffering. We believe that by focusing our spiritual energy in corporate worship, and holding those in need in the Light, that we can open ourselves to God’s healing power. All are welcome to join us. All that is necessary is to hold the person in question in the compassion of God’s love and have your intention be for their highest good.
We gather for Meeting for Worship for Healing monthly at Homewood Friends Meeting on the last Sth day (Thursday) of each month at 7:30 PM for about one hour.
We hold Meeting for Healing in accord with traditions of Friends. We gather in silence. A person to oversee the meeting has been chosen ahead of time from those on the Ministry and Worship Committee. Names of those needing healing can be given to the overseer before the meeting. The person giving the name chooses whether to give only the name, or the name and the specific need for healing.
After a time of centering (usually 10-15 minutes), the group will hold hands at the sign from the overseer. Additional names may be given to the overseer at that time. We enter silent worship again, the overseer speaks each name and there are about 4-6 minutes taken to hold that person in the Light.
When a person whose name is read is present, and if she feels so moved, she may sit in the center of the circle and announce that she is open to healing touch. Worshipers who feel led to participate in healing touch may then do so. The person in the center rejoins the circle at his/her leading.
The overseer then announces that worshipers may offer into the silence names of others needing healing. A shorter time is given for holding these petitions in the Light. Afterwards, the overseer will close meeting, again with the holding of hands.
Announcements, introductions and testimonies of those attending follow. Friends may then enjoy fellowship, with refreshments provided if anyone has felt led to bring something to share.
“…that they might see and inquire into the necessity of all poor Friends, who were sick and weak and were in wants, or widows and fatherless in the city and suburbs.. and that they in visiting the sick in the Lord’s power and work, through which they would have the wisdom of the Lord, and of his creation and how to administer his creatures and by the same power to heal and strengthen with the outward things and without them; which they have felt prosperous to this day. And great things have been done in their meetings by the Lord’s power.” —George Fox, Book of Miracles